Navigating the Skies of Code with GitHub Copilot

3 min readMar 28, 2024


In the vast and ever-expanding universe of software development, GitHub Copilot has emerged as a co-pilot, ready to assist developers in navigating through the complexities of code. But as with any journey, the key to a successful flight lies in understanding the roles: GitHub Copilot is an invaluable crew member, but remember, *you* are the captain. Let’s delve into how you can effectively use GitHub Copilot within Visual Studio Code (VSCode), keeping in mind that ultimately, you’re in command.

The Captain’s Mindset: Steering the Ship

Imagine GitHub Copilot as your trusted first officer. It’s equipped with a vast array of tools and knowledge, ready to suggest course corrections and provide support. However, the responsibility of making decisions rests with you, the captain. This means critically evaluating Copilot’s suggestions, understanding that while it offers guidance, the final call is yours. This approach ensures that the code not only solves the problem at hand but also aligns with your project’s architecture and style guidelines.

Master the Magic: Prompting efficiently

VSCode, your cockpit, is equipped with various instruments to help you and your copilot communicate effectively:

- Ghost Text: The simplest form of guidance, ghost text offers real-time suggestions as you type, much like seeing a faint trail ahead. It’s immediate, non-intrusive, and perfect for quick code completions or minor corrections.

- Inline Chat (Ctrl/Cmd + I): When you need a bit more interaction without leaving the coding environment, inline chat is your go-to. It’s akin to having a quick discussion with your copilot, clarifying immediate doubts without extensive back-and-forth.

- Chat Panel: For those moments requiring deep dive conversations, the chat panel is your detailed map. It’s best utilized for complex queries or when you’re plotting a significant course change in your code. Here, the conversational depth allows for a more nuanced exploration of coding challenges.

Tips for a Smooth Flight

To ensure your journey with GitHub Copilot is both efficient and enjoyable, familiarize yourself with some essential commands and variables that act like navigational waypoints:

- /fix: Encountering turbulence in your code? Use the `/fix` command to suggest corrections, much like asking your copilot for alternative routes around a storm.

- /explain: When the copilot offers a route (code snippet) and you’re not sure why it’s the best course, `/explain` provides clarity, ensuring you’re both aligned on the journey ahead.

- #file: Think of this as a bird’s-eye view of your current location. The `#file` variable helps Copilot understand the broader context of your project file, offering more relevant suggestions.

- @workspace: For a comprehensive understanding of your project’s landscape, `@workspace` variable gives Copilot insight into the entire workspace, allowing for more informed and cohesive suggestions across multiple files.

The Captain’s Principle: Steering with Wisdom, Not Just Reliance

In the vast expanse of software development, GitHub Copilot emerges as a navigator within VSCode, offering insights to guide you. Yet, the essence of this journey lies in the blend of your expertise and the tool’s assistance. As the captain at the helm, using Copilot wisely means augmenting your skills without becoming dependent. It’s about maintaining control, ensuring the code mirrors your vision and expertise. This balanced partnership between human ingenuity and AI is the bedrock of future coding endeavors. As we venture into this collaborative future, the developer’s role as the guiding force remains indispensable. Together, steering through the skies of innovation, the journey ahead is not only promising but bound to be transformative.

